…there was a network activity in Yanoshi, Ukraine, in the summer of 2019.
Enthusiastic changemakers from different countries and backgrounds decided to make their dreams concrete. Erasmus+ is great for connecting people and building peace. It makes us grow as professionals and humans. But a common pain was shared: many Erasmus+ projects were not eco-friendly enough.
The idea of ECOrasmus was born: to help make Erasmus+ programmes and other residential youth events sustainable for the future. May this passion that unites us, positively add to the butterfly-effect of eco-friendly practices in European youth work!
From June 2022 until February 2023 our research on sustainable practices in educational youth activities was carried out, totaling 157 respondents , from 29 countries. Our research team focused on stakeholder analysis, gathering data through a survey, and by meeting people for interviews online and offline. The outcomes of the research you find here.
Did you know that of the respondents of our research:
From 8-15 March 2023 we organized our ECOrasmus training course for youth workers that was held in Vilanova I la Geltrú, Spain.
Together with 27 participants we explored and discussed sustainable youth work and discovered the draft edition of our handbook. We tested and experienced new methods and activities, and took part in two tree planting activities and garden work with Garraf Coopera and Can Masdeu.
Read here our training manual and training report.
We designed some other tools too. We are very proud of our practical manual ‘Green your youth project. A Handbook’ . This handbook is based on the findings and insights of our survey and interviews, our desk research and the results and feedback of our training course. It is translated in 7 languages.
Besides that we gathered a practical resource data base. We also designed our own educational activities. A list of educational activities, ready to use, you will find in our tools section or by clicking on the button below.
Or select from the various tools that we designed and collected during the project
Yanoski, Ukraine 2019
Project april/may 2022
October 2022.
Survey, interviews and report september 2022 february 2023
(March 2023)
Vilanova I La Geltrú Catanya, Spain and training manual
(NL, HU, GE, ES)
“Green Youth Event”
January 2024!
Ready and in use
May 2024.
"Ecorasmus is a movement empowering people to make greener choices and contribute to a healthier planet through innovative, practical tips."
Bence Hatvani - Webdesigner - MeOut - Hungary
“ECOrasmus is a good opportunity to improve yourself, to be more sustainable, to connect people with good values. I believe in lifelong learning, and this is a good way to start it.”
Eszter Vigh - Project manager - MeOut - Hungary
“Planting trees and gardening together, delicious plant based meals, working with, and learning from nature, should be included in basically all of the programmes.”
János-Zsolt Hermán Mostert - Researcher, Trainer - The Tree Party Foundation - Netherlands.
“I hope that ECOrasmus inspires youth workers to revise their practices and take the courage to change things.”
Julia Stollenwerk - Researcher, Trainer - European Intercultural Forum e.V. - Germany / Spain.
“There are no excuses for not making eco-friendly activities a reality, it's up to take it as seriously as the topic is, and a critical matter of coherence.”
Lluc Martí - Programme Coordinator at Fundació Catalunya Voluntària - Spain
“Youth Work projects should empower young people as advocates for environmental responsibility so sustainable projects will be the usual and less challenging”
Mariana Helysh - Graphic Designer - Spain
“I hope the way we travel and the way people think about travelling will change.”
Pedro Miguélez - Researcher, Trainer - Asociación Tílos - Spain
“I hope that in the near future, sustainable practices will become the rule rather than the exception.”
Sebastian Schweitzer - ECOrasmus Project Manager, editor - European Intercultural Forum e.V. - Germany
Here we proudly present many of our partners with whom we collaborated throughout the project.
Together we form the ECOrasmus movement. Thank you for your support!
The webpage was prepared with the financial support of the European Union. It reflects the views only of the authors, and the Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.